Monday, August 28, 2017


I watch old shows more than new ones for reasons too many to waste time sharing.  One of the "teasers" for Monk shows him cutting off bread edges (as I also prefer) and throwing them and the bread too into the trash.  Natalie asks, "What's wrong with those?"  Monk replies, "They're not snuff.  Got to be up to snuff!"  He keeps cutting and throwing away slice after slice.

I began a new year of life 3 weeks ago and that's how I feel, "just not quite up to snuff."  I want to be SNUFF!  I want my 75th year and every year after to be more than it's or I have ever been before.  

I do not want to feel less energetic, no, rather much more vigorous as if I could run a 5K.  I don't want to succumb to something silly as Pinkeye and have to stay home for days, no, I want to feel healthy,  vibrant and blossoming like the beautiful blooms all around.

Most of all, I want to wake up, jump out of bed and begin whatever great task I have to do and accomplish it well or more than that, fantastically.  So far these days, I've been waking up wanting to turn back over and go back to sleep.  No No No.  This just can't go on.  No matter what, this has to stop!

I don't do being "ill" well.  In fact I am miserable at it and in it.  I was trying very hard to be totally surrendered and accepting of the Lord's will over mine.  I kept reminding myself that if He were to decide to ask illness or bed-ridden of me that I would be faithful and obedient and could still do - at least I hope He would allow me - my most favorite thing - PRAY!  Dear Lord, please, if you were to decide that for my years left then do at least let me continue to be a person of prayer.  People could let me know what to pray and I could stay busy doing that each day.

But I am over the Pinkeye and I am starting to feel better so the hard part is to get busy and figure out just what He wants me to do and what I should choose to do to fill my time and fulfill my purpose and continue to do His will and be His servant and live it all to the fullest - SNUFF!

Yep - I have to measure up to being SNUFF!

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