Tuesday, January 2, 2018


It is a wonderful thing - a new slate - a new day dawns - a new year begins and so far we haven't done anything to mess it up or waste a minute or throw away a whole day.  Okay - great - now what?

I definitely know the Dear Lord wants me to change even more in the "letting go" of wishes and wants and silly things that come to mind and make me yearn and waste time.

I definitely know that my dear Savior and Lord wants me to seek out His will for all that I do and to choose that over my own every time.

I am going to start off the year praying about everything - big decisions, little decisions, what to do each day for the kingdom, for the Lord, for others, for me or family or just fun, but still pray about it all.

I'm going to try to discipline to do less rather than more in any area and hope that helps me to maybe accomplish more rather than not accomplish anything at all.

My DAILY BREAD on Dec. 30th helped and blessed me when it said that even in our things we did NOT complete in the past year that "God is always at work in and through us."  And it reminded me to thank the Dear Lord for it all finished or not - and to trust that He used me anyway whether I saw it or thought it or not.

So I begin my New Year with hope and peace and total trust in my sovereign God, the Father, my beloved Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ and my dear comforter and helper, the Holy Spirit.