Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Can, Would, Does God ever forsake us? NO

Can, Would, Does God ever Forsake us? NO

Heard about a friend who lost his house, job, a few rElatives and feels a bit "forsaken" by the Lord.  I can understand that completely even to the point of asking someone just how do we NOT feel forsaken when it all comeS down at once and then it just keeps on coming or so it seems?

My wise friend said to trust the Lord is still in control and still loves us and so all that He allows to come our way is and will be for our GOOD.  This is the truth we know and the verse we have all memorized, Romans 8:28: "We know that all things work together for good to them, who love God, to them who are called according to His purpose."    We know it - I even believe it - truly I do - but always applying it to my situation and wondering how my dear friend is going to be able to apply it to his - well it's just plain HARD.

I try not to allow my frustration and possibly anger at myself for getting into debt and losing my home and having to spend so much of my limited income to settle it away,  but because I did it to myself then I never can think the Lord asks too much.  In fact for me - obviously, His mercy is everlasting and His lovingkindness overwhelms me every day.  It might be when my dearest sister in the Lord calls to let me know she feels she should give me a little for this; little for that;   and then she helps me out here and helps me out there.  I also have my dear sister,  who responds the moment I make a need known and very generously so.

But I know there are times that we all go through what St. John of the Cross called a DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL.  I guess we just have to hold onto our faith, our memories of all the times He has made Himself known to us in a mighty way, cling to our hope and trust that just as His Word reminds us " will work together for good."  His good, His will not often the same as I want it to be, but to be His child, to be obedient, to trust Him completely - well there you have it - that's really our only choice in the matter.

I pray the Dear Lord embraces my friend and that all the sad/forsaken feelings are washed away by God loving embrace in a way that human words cannot even express.

Monday, July 14, 2014

In His Name

I know many Christians, including myself, who have thought that doing a "ministry" or fulfilling my "purpose" as a Christian-doing God's will-should/had to be an actual furthering the Kingdom of God type thing: i.e. witnessing, missionary work, church work, etc.  It has taken me years to figure out that absolutely everything I do each day is "my" ministry.  When I was raising my daughter and she was young, I had to do for her and take care of her - that was all my "ministry" at that time - when she become a teen and demanded not only taking care of  needs, but a bit more input , more being there, more checking in and that too was all part of my "Ministry".

My favorite book that taught me this fact is PRACTICING THE PRESENCE OF GOD by Brother Lawrence.  I had a little pamphlet that cost me $.25 and can't find it now, boohoo, because it costs $5 and more in all the possible places to find it now.  Still worth it and definitely worth the read.

When I was trying to be a stay at home mom with Mary Gentry, I started an ASK ANNALOU service.  I was always writing so I called that portion of it HIS WORDSMITH and I wanted all of it including this blog to come under the heading IN HIS NAME.  It is very important to me at the end of every day to check and see if I had been faithfully in the center of HIS WILL never my own that whole day.  

One more absolutely frustrating thing about getting old is trying to figure out each day just what I should or should not be doing and I am not talking about sinful stuff - not to say I don't have to worry about that too - thought wise, feeling wise, interacting with everyone wise - but just getting up in the morning and knowing or hoping to know just what the day holds forth and just what choices I should make to fulfill it IN HIS NAME and in HIS WILL.  Is isn't easy, trust me.  There are days that are half gone or more and I still haven't figured it out - God forgive me.  I wake up and beg God to will me out of the bed.  He does and off I go.  I do better when I plan to accomplish if not three things at least get one or two things on the list so I can mark them DONE.  If that is all that I do that day I still go to bed at peace and say it was a good day.  On the days I don't accomplish one of the list items if I have faithfully done what my regular daily chores are and NOT COMPLAINED in my heart about it - such as dishes into the dishwasher and dishes out and then dishes waiting in the sink to do it ALL OVER AGAIN.  I count that as my accomplishment IN HIS NAME for that day and still go to bed in perfect peace.  Honestly - I really do and feel just fine about it too.

God bless to all and may today be filled with great adventures and exciting events all to experience and accomplish IN HIS NAME. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

God's favorite face to me

God's favorite face to me

It has been too long since I have been able to visit the ocean and walk along the beach.  When I lived in Jupiter, FL I lived off a road that passed the Jupiter Lighthouse and crossed an Intracoastal waterway bridge no matter where my destination was that day.  I remember those mornings when I would be way way under my circumstances and time seemed as if it had gone on forever, but just looking at the water and seeing that Lighthouse over my shoulder and it all seemed to feel better.  It almost made it seem that just the scenery was enough to make all the problems disappear.

Well it wasn't enough and the problems didn't disappear and then they got worse when I not only lost my job but I had to move away from the ocean and the lighthouse and that scenery that can salve my soul and soothe my heart as no other can.

Living near mountains or in the foothills just doesn't do it for me.  It helps to see a sunset when I can find a place to let it through and time it right to be there then, but it is never like being able to go to the ocean's edge and feel the sand beneath my feet give way or let the waves slap my feet.

Oh well, a picture is worth a 1000 words so lets just gaze and wish our lives away.  I know we shouldn't and it won't one bit of difference, but for the next few minutes, Dear Lord, please forgive me if I do it anyway.