Friday, February 4, 2022


I woke up this morning and when I reached for my ACT mouthwash it felt so heavy I could hardly lift it.  It dawned on me that one of the most annoying things about getting old is all the heavy and hard stuff.  I have to ask my daughter to put away the gallon bottles of distilled water and carry the heavy bags of groceries from the car.  I definitely have to ask her to please open almost any and all bottles, jars, packages etc.  

I carry scissors with me in every purse because I can't even tear open my cough or coffee nip drops.  I have to cut them open everytime.  I have a very blessed life with very little drama or sad times, but I imagine there are many old folks who even consider their daily lives as "heavy and hard/"

Watching our children and our grands have a hard trial to endure can be "hard."  Feeling stress burdened  with concern and wishing only happiness for them can feel "heavy." Yep, getting old is definitely filled with heavy and hard times and things.

I guess all we can do since we definitely want to keep getting older is just live with it.  I want to celebrate my 100th birthday, which  means twenty years of things probably getting heavier and harder all the time.  So I am going to tell myself every morning to just get out of bed and determine to face it, do it and battle on with a happy, thankful heart.  So far its going pretty well so I'll keep hoping it continues and maybe even gets a little lighter and easier.  A positive and hopeful spirit will be the key.