Tuesday, January 5, 2016


I've noticed in all my latest comments on Facebook or in my prayers at night that I seem to be obsessed with the fact that my life is going by way too fast.  So the question, of course, must be what can I do about it?

Honestly I haven't a clue!  I mean is there anything anyone can do about the clock of the world or our lives from ticking down seconds, minutes, hours and days? No!  Well at least I have never seen such an answer or solution so far.

Then, the next question I must ask is what can I do in spite of this particular problem.  Again, honestly I haven't a clue.  But because I seem to be obsessed with thinking about it anyway then I feel I must at least try to find some solutions.

First, I am already doing the one that does work in and through all situations that come our way and we are helpless to  stop them or avoid them or ignore them.  I always give Elisabeth Elliot credit for this.  Once asked after her husband, Jim Elliot's tragic death, what would she do.  Her answer was simply, "the next thing."  I have learned a whole life lesson from that answer.  She meant, at that time, she would do dishes if they were dirty or play with her daughter, Valerie, when she cried for attention.  But in truth, it meant much more than that, since Elisabeth and Rachel Saint spent years afterward continuing those men's calling to that tribe and it became all Christian by their selfless choice and God's divine providence.  Some of those martyr's grandchildren continue to live in Ecuador and minister still to those people today.

My "next thing" is never quite that important, but still I find great peace and consolation when I put dishes in and dishes out of a dishwasher over and over again that if this is the ONLY "next thing" my life allows me to do, then I pray that I do it in God's Will and for His honor and glory.  I pray that if it is done in that way and for that reason, then even that mundane task will at least have made my day worth something and not just a "waste" of my precious, fleeting time.

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