Friday, March 29, 2019


I've decided that I am not defeating old age as much as it is wearing me down.  This ache or that pain and yet another specialist to see.  This is not only time consuming but taking money I do not have.  Still I face each day with a hope that never fails me.  Loving the way God says it in His precious Word: Lamentations 3:22-24"The Lord's loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.  The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I have hope in Him."

I decided to just keep on going and handle each challenge, pain, illness or whatever as it comes.  I awake each morning with a determination and a prayer trusting the Lord is with me through it all.   I have great expectations and live very full, busy days.  I fall into bed exhausted at night pleased that I have done all that was expected of me.  I hate the hours going by too fast and running out of day long before I am finished with what I had wanted or was enjoying doing when the clock strikes 11PM or midnight.

I think being busy is a great deterrent to getting or feeling old.  Deciding to keep on doing our daily chores i.e. laundry, cooking, cleaning, changing sheets - ugh - to that, reading, writing, spending time with friends, going to Bible Study and church - I could go on and on - are all helps to thinking ourselves young in spite of emotions or feelings telling us something different.

Just reading what I'm writing is making me feel younger already.  It is definitely that old saying, "Mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter." (Charles Lyell) Wishing you all a fresh new look on your life and a great week.