I get very excited about full moons. Not quite sure but it is a time of wonder as one of the Creator's most awesome designs or scientific fact that it goes around and we turn and it does this or that at different times over the months or year.
2019 is going to have three - three - extra bright moons in it. I didn't know the one in January was actually brighter than usual. But now I know about this month so I have set two alarms to remind me to go outside and watch it on Tuesday night (19th). It is called a Super Snow moon - even that makes it sound so exotic - doesn't it?
My granddaughter is in Panama country studying in the rain forest and her pictures of ants and bees are not at all like the ones we see here in the US. She sent a video of leaves moving along the ground in a bunch and there were ants underneath transporting them to a particular place where they need to be. How people cannot believe in a Creator above us all who can think of such things as ants not only working together in a group but knowing exactly what to do and where to go.
She is studying a particular bee for her paper. It is a 3-inch gorgeous iridescent green color. A color that only a Master Designer could ever create.
I am rejoicing in my life these days because I am feeling better each day and believing, no matter what, my good feelings are going to continue and defeat any bad or physical problems that may happen.
I continue to wish a money tree would grow in my yard to take care of the constantly frustrating need for it, but I dare not worry since the Dear Lord admonishes us to look at sparrows and lilies and see how well He has taken care of them. Surely He loves us even more than those, so I trust in His loving kindness knowing full well He will provide.
I don't "need" money to bask in the beauty of the 2nd brightest moon this year or in an insect whose color outshines - literally - any color on any painter's palette.
No, there is just way too much to be grateful for and to enjoy in this whole wide world so that is the choice I make.
"God's in His heaven; all's right with the world." Robert Browning